Sunday, December 15, 2019

Management and Leadership Free Essays

Management is defined and built on constructive theories by well known Management Gurus such as Peter F.Drucker, and many other emerging or contemporary management writers.   Management theory is always researched, tested and after successful results, is implemented in organizations which is why,   management is also called management science. We will write a custom essay sample on Management and Leadership or any similar topic only for you Order Now    Leadership carries a separate identity that works beyond the capacity of management,   whereas management carries leadership qualities. Leadership is somewhat authoritative having followers to its side, whereas management maintains subordinates who listen to management by virtue of being holding a higher position either in job or in some other capacity belonging to an organisation. Managers think in soft skills whereas leaders are at time prove radical and even dictatorial, who believe firmly and ratify whether or not pre-emptive to be true.  Ã‚   Managers possess all kind of potential abilities, skills, academic theories of management, work experience which shapes managers into a diplomatic,   situation-oriented individuals to act according to the breeze of atmosphere in an organization and to that effect, manager takes swing to that side. This does not mean that managers are very clever or uncomfortable individuals, whereas the position of manager is such that it requires certain to-be-dealt-with situations and this does not necessarily lower the image of a manager to act unethically as the matters are to be resolved in an apt manner.   A manager takes a short-term decision whereas a leader takes a long-term decision.   Well known quote â€Å"Managers do things right, while leaders do the right things†Ã‚   which gives a fact that managers are required to follow company’s policy, while leaders form policies. Manager   paves the way for creation of goodwill, loyalty, ethics, motivation, skill development, training for subordinates to learn, get trained and adhere to the company rules. Manager exercises almost every management tool to bring a situation to the order whereas leader has followers whether it is a hardship or an easy way, people easily get carried away by the intentions of a leader which may hold good or bad according to the scenario, time and period.   Many a times leaders too have to face contradictions, criticisms, negative results until the realities are proved and for checking veracity,   essential ingredient is time and investigation. Leader is always chosen among a few whereas a manager is selected among many and both the positions carry diversified activities. Leaders always expect to listen and obey whereas managers explain both the negative and positive impact to the people, and instruct to undertake the necessary step for producing positive results to the benefit of organization.   Manager never acts on personal interest, whereas a leader has no limitations either in personal conduct or in view of others, a complete detailed discussion is made about the total issue,   and stay committed to the demands that are to be met with. Manager keeps an account of every step of system of working which means, every move in an organization is known to a manager in an organization. This provides another fact that a manager knows how to handle people, organization behavior, culture and systems of working areas. If both the positions of manager or leader are compared at a greater length,   manager always practice certain limitations and may not possess adequate courage to take initiative step in decision making whereas once a leader identifies a situation, with the motive of solving a situation, takes a bold step and brings the entire organisation to order in spite of knowing the fact that organization does not permit to act beyond certain limitations and in such occasions, the role of a leader is identified who acts with wisdom and knowledge. Manager may not fit to be a leader, whereas a leader can always fit into the role of manager with the fact that, leader in the disguise of manager can get on and manage people in an efficient manner and it is here important for the organization to check whether a leader is producing positive results or negative results.   This is because, managers are expected to produce positive results only whereas leaders may or may not prove to fit in every organization and this has to be verified.   Building or gaining faith among people is one of the important aspect either for management or for leadership. A manager is always transactional whereas a leader is transformational.   Manager works for attractive pay package whereas for a leader   monetary benefit is only a means to a make living. Managers,   when subordinates act in a dominant manner to much disliking,   may find some unethical way to terminate subordinates from organization by eavesdropping or by spreading rumors or any other kind of uncivilized elements of management. A good manager is very difficult to find when most of the companies are looking for good managers.   Managers in all sectors take things for granted and never bother to care for people until some kind of benefit in return is made. Managers are very calculative although the position of a manager is quite appealing and rewarding to an organization, organizations commit mistakes by being unfair to good managers which must be reinstated here that good managers can never be replaced and experienced good mangers who hold a considerable tenure in an organization may prove beneficial to organizations. For any reason, manager or a leader, it is good to continuously keep progress in all aspects of an organization, i.e. relationship with subordinates and senior management, organizational clients, customers in order to keep a transparency of all the matters that come to the desk of manager or leader, as transparency removes all disputes, conflicts and solves many hurdles in an organization. Learning to say NO is one of best principles in an organization, with the fact that every individual carries certain limited strength beyond which one cannot act and if a manager or leader learns to say YES for every issue, the work cannot be delegated to others and in this manner, completion of tasks or projects are completed in a slow process.   Delegation of authority, responsibility, trust in other people’s work, a belief in the work of efficient employees,   are some of the essential elements for organizational growth to expand in terms of work and organizational culture.   Providing adequate training,   motivation, performance evaluation, rewards, incentives are some of the best techniques to retain employees which are very understood by a good manager. Conclusion Dale Carnegie in â€Å"How to make friends and influence people† quotes â€Å"when you have a lemon, make a lemonade†Ã‚   which states that understand that one can never change the world and it is good to change oneself according to the environment or atmosphere one is put up with.   If a manager runs a hare race, tortoise wins like a leader and this must be remembered always in every principle that acting in an apt manner is essential irrespective of the situation one is in while adhering to all the principalities of an organization. Conclusively, management and leadership can never be contradicted with and must go interdependently applying the qualities of manager or leader wherever required and this must be verified with. References The difference between management and leadership Leadership vs management Accessed 31 October, 2007    How to cite Management and Leadership, Essay examples Management and Leadership Free Essays In every organization and company, each employee share their own experiences, values, and beliefs to the organization or company. All the experiences, values, and beliefs combined formulate the organizational culture of the company. A poorly organized company can lead to a company’s demise. We will write a custom essay sample on Management and Leadership or any similar topic only for you Order Now A company that has a vigorous organizational structure ensures that all employees and management all work well together. Throughout this paper, I will be discussing roles in leadership and management. Also, how the four functions of management support and maintain a healthy organizational structure. Within each company, each director or leader has a vision. A leader supports and aids there employees to grasp the vision and encourage them to make that vision become a reality. Some organizations have leaders and managers that do not have same perspectives, which could lead to a high turnover rate. When you view an organizations structure, managers needs to view the motivation and leadership given to the employees to ensure that goals are being met. For example, in my workplace, my manager is one of those types of managers that lead by example. In order for any company or organization to meets its goals, the manager has to keep his or her team motivated and build lasting relationships with their team. If a leader does not lead by example, their employees are less likely to do the work that is requested of them. Leaders and managers also need to know how to delegate tasks, so they are not bombarded with all the work. If you notice within all organizations, the hirer you are in the company, the less â€Å"grunt work† is performed. Four characteristics that are found in good leaders are they believe in open communication, they do not stick with the status quo, they are selective in what they measure, and they have passion for values and culture. All these categories are essential to maintaining a vital organizational culture. When employees are under the impression that there is open communication with their leader, they are more receptive to sharing issues or concerns when problems arise. When there is open door policy, employees are more comfortable in apprising the leader of a situation so that future problems  are avoided. In dealing with management and leaders, all managers are not necessarily leaders and not all leaders know how to manage well. One of the differences between leadership and management is communicational skills. Managers direct people and know how to delegate tasks, leaders know how to motivate there team and are able to acknowledge when they have made mistakes. Managers inform their employees to get the job done in an effective manner. Everyone is drawn to a leader. All great leaders encourage their team to go above and beyond the assigned tasks, to take it to the next level. One other factor between leaders and managers are that managers usually like to micromanage their team. This type of management style may cause employees to feel uncomfortable along with being aggravated. No one likes being constantly watched over. When an individual is constantly being watched over, it could create a situation where they may become unhappy, which could ultimately lead to them resigning. Leaders put their trust in others. People are naturally more drawn to complete their tasks and goals, and will be more susceptible to wanting to further their career within the organization or company. Oftentimes managers must deal with employees who do not like one another. Rather than be concerned about any underlying issues, the manager may have a temporary solution in order to get the employees back to work. A leader will investigate any underlying causes and make adjustments or take corrective action if necessary. Most managers tend to have a transactional leadership style. Transactional leadership does not cause employees to be inspired or excited on concentrating on the overall good of the organization. A transactional leader rules by using their valid authority to give orders. In addition, transactional leaders will give bonuses or rewards for services provided. By contrast, transformational leaders may have charisma. A transformational leader is one who gets people to rise above his or her own interests in  order to achieve the goals of the larger population. A person who reports to a transformation leader tends to be a dedicated worker. Bateman and Snell (2007) state that four skills factor into transformational leadership. The four factors are having a vision, communicating the vision, building trust, and having positive self-regard. The four functions of management have a part in creating and maintaining a healthy organizational culture. Since planning involves analyzing the situation, involving employee views and ideas helps employees feel a sense of camaraderie. An employee may have had experienced a similar situation at a previous job and can share how the problem was resolved. In addition, when employees can be part of the goal plan and selection, they may feel more like a part of the company rather than a drone. Many companies today establish plans based on the input of their employees. The employees are the people who have a better understanding of the inner workings and are usually at the center of the activity. Once the plan is implemented, incentive plans are used to invigorate employees in achieving the goals and ensuring the plans are implemented properly. Within the organizing function, delegation can help create and maintain a healthy culture. Managers will delegate work to subordinates so that the manager can accomplish more work. Not only does delegation benefit the manager, delegation benefits the employee. The employee is empowered to accomplish a new challenge. Within the challenge, the employee develops new skills that help to advance the employee within the company. Alternatively, the employee may be given additional job duties, which can also help advance the employee. Bateman and Snell (2007) assert that when managers adopt high ideals for the company, employees in turn are inspired. Even adopting an admirable vision, then conveying the vision repeatedly will cause the vision to become present in the company. Top managers should be visible, out among the employees, and setting examples rather than in a boardroom all day. When employees see upper management involved, more trust is developed. When new people are  hired, the company’s values are promoted. The last function of management, control, plays a part in the culture of an organization. Some companies exercise bureaucratic or market controls with the organization’s culture. The use of such controls can be inadequate in maintaining healthy organization. As more jobs are done with the use of a computer, standardizing a job becomes harder. Each person may have his or her own technique in navigating and using computer programs. Difficulties arise when an employee is instructed to operate a computer program a certain way. Yet the employee may know a different technique that makes the job easier for him or her, or be more effective. Clan control is not concerned with the organization’s interests. As with organizational culture, in clan control, employees share the values and expectations of the company’s goals. When employee have common goals and are trusting of one another, controls that are more formal are not as necessary. Additionally, a group culture can develop. Group cultures are based on the principles related to the company. In a group culture, leaders tend to be mentors or facilitators. Two strategies that can be used to maintain a healthy organizational culture are open communication and a code of ethics. Free lines of communication from management down to employees help to create an open environment. Management should meet with employees individually for a few minutes. When a new Director of Human Resources was hired at XYZ, Inc., he made it a point to meet with each employee in the company. Such meetings allowed not only for the employees to meet the new director, but also gave the impression that the director is human, willing to listen to what people have to say. An open door policy generally means that anyone within a company can speak to upper management without having to go through a chain of command. In addition, when a company sponsors fun activities for employees to break up the workday, trust and communication are built. XYZ, Inc. holds monthly town hall meetings in which the current state of the company is discussed. Recognition is given to new hires, or departments that have excelled at a  particular project. XYZ, Inc. also holds company luncheons for some holidays. In 2007, the company provided lunch at a town hall meeting to celebrate the Fourth of July. Watermelon eating and seed spitting contests were part of the festivities. A code of ethics within a company goes beyond legal compliances. Values must be adopted to ensure a healthy organizational culture. A code of ethics defines those behaviors, which are acceptable within a company. The code should define what is acceptable and the consequences for violating policies or rules. The code of ethics must be followed by everyone. As stated earlier, if employees see a manager violating a code, the employees are less inclined to follow the code. In turn, more behavior that is unethical can follow. Having a code of ethics as a guideline is beneficial for manufacturing companies. At XYZ, Inc., a certain brand of elevators are built to customer specification. At times, the manufacturing department is under pressure to meet end of month deadlines. However, if a decision was made to cut corners so that money could be saved and the quota was met, consequences could be devastating. One problem that may occur is that a defect could develop that can eventually lead to injury. The injury, in turn, can lead to amounts of money being spent to repair or alter the lift or in worker’s compensation claims. In conclusion, strategies are used by leaders to promote a healthy organizational culture. The four functions of management play a role in supporting and maintaining a company’s culture. A healthy organizational culture will go beyond the every day duties and ensure company goals are achieved. The values, beliefs, and experiences of each employee blend to create a unique environment within a company. Each person has his or her part in helping the organizational culture. How to cite Management and Leadership, Essays Management and leadership Free Essays In businesses and organizations, the ideas behind the terms management and leadership are often tagged as having the same meaning.   The two terms are interchanged frequently with respect to their functions and uses. As there is no doubt that today’s business landscape has changed, it is important to discern the differences between managers and leaders. We will write a custom essay sample on Management and leadership or any similar topic only for you Order Now    The reasons for the changes in business landscape do not only include the technological shift in business operations, or the effects of economic decline. One primary reason for the change in business perspective is that it has become enormously global in scope, and with this change, businesses are confronted with many forms of diversity.   As such, it is vital for businesses and organizations to know whether they need managers or leaders. Leadership is considered as one of the aspects of good management.   This means that leadership is an asset or an attribute for an effective management in an organization.   On the other hand, management is a function in any organization, which includes problem solving and facilitation of meetings and traditional administrative duties.   These duties may not necessarily be done by only one person.   The duties may be divided through teams designated with the different functions of the organization. The teams may share responsibilities in order to obtain performance targets.   This proves that a manager is not a necessity to achieve good management.   However, there are also some situations where leadership is not required in an organization.   There could be self-motivated teams who find leaders as dominating a working atmosphere.   This proves that leadership is just an asset and not a prerequisite to having a successful organization. The basic difference between management and leadership is how the two concepts are executed.   Managers often do things by the book or according to the policies of an organization.   On the other hand, leaders do things by following their own instinct or judgment, which dictates what may be the best for an organization.   In many cases, a manager is not necessarily the leader of a team or a division in an organization. A subordinate member often leads other team members through distinct talents and natural leadership.   However, this scenario often implies conflict between the â€Å"natural leader† and the manager since the manager may see his subordinate as a threat to his authority. According to the book, Business Leadership written by Joan Gallos, management and leadership differs primarily in their functions.   Management deals with complexity while leadership deals with change.   The practices and methods in management are mostly responses to the rise of huge organizations.   Having poor management may lead to chaos within such complex organizations and threaten their existence.   More so, encompassing good management may bring a certain level of consistency in terms of quality of products and services. On the other hand, leadership, as mentioned earlier, deals with change.   Its importance is primarily due to factors including technological change, changes in demographics of employees, market deregulations, and greater international competition among others.   (Gallos, 2008)   Thus, the more changes transpire, the higher the demand in leadership. The different functions of both management and leadership make up their characteristic activities.   Although their functions involve decision making, interaction with people, and ensuring that people get to do their jobs, each function performs tasks in diverse ways.   (Gallos, 2008)   In terms of management, which deals with complexity, planning and budgeting are always involved. Managers achieve their plans through staffing and organizing as they create set of jobs and an organizational structure necessary for accomplishing their plan requirements.   On the other hand, leaders equal such activities through aligning people.   This involves conveying new directions to people who are able to create alliances that regard the vision and committed to the achievement of such vision.   (Gallos, 2008) Apart from staffing and organizing, managers also apply controlling and problem solving in order to achieve their plans.   These functions involve monitoring outcomes through meetings and reports, identifying variations, and then going back to planning and organizing to deal with the problems. The equivalent actions done by leaders are motivating and inspiring people to move in the right direction in order to achieve the plans.   These involve appealing to basic human values, needs, and emotions.   (Gallos, 2008) Based on several observations, leadership is more preferred than management.   This means that teams or people become more loyal to a leader than a manager does because leaders take more responsibility in certain significant areas than managers do. For example, leaders take the blame when things get out of hand, able to celebrate minor and major group achievements, and able to give credit where it is due.   Other observations claim that since leaders are observant and sensitive to the needs of people, they create mutual confidence within the team.   Whereas managers do not leave the subordinates with a choice but to obey what is commanded of them. In many instances, leaders are followed while the manager rules.   Although a leader may not have the organizational skills that a manager possesses, his mere vision unites his subordinates.   (Caroselli, 2000)   On the other hand, a manager is situated in his position not because of his leadership qualities but through time and loyalty to a certain organization. Accordingly, management encompasses people with valuable experience in their field and knows how the system of an organization works.   A manager knows the do’s and don’ts of an organization and perhaps bears good technical knowledge.   Then again, a leader may be new to an organization but makes his way up through bold and fresh ideas. How to cite Management and leadership, Essays Management and Leadership Free Essays For this report I will describe how Effective Communication is key within management. Effective communication between a manager and team is important as a manager’s job is 90% communication. Effective communication is really important within a team as it plays a part in the everyday running of a setting; effective communication helps to establish clear expectations for employees and with parents. We will write a custom essay sample on Management and Leadership or any similar topic only for you Order Now Effective communication also gives staff members clear expectations which will convey how their performance will impact the setting, for example when a manager is briefing a team they need to be prepared, be clear, they should keep it simple and be vivid and natural. Effective communication helps managers build strong relationships within the team and parents. Effective organizational communication skills will help with team work and the ability for the employees at all levels to work together to achieve goals within the setting and also to help to achieve company goals, Effective communication is essential to the success of any organization. There are various skills needed for good management, some skills are learned others are instilled as part of that’s persons nature; employees respond more enthusiastically to a leader they feel confident in. On a more basic level an effective manager in an early years setting needs to ensure good lines of communication are open between themselves and the members of their team, is capable of creating an atmosphere that is comfortable, i. e. a family atmosphere’ builds trust in the team, maintains confidentiality, represent the views of the team, find out what motivates the team and be supportive. An effective manager in an early years setting also needs to be approachable, involve staff so they can arrive at joint decisions in the welfare of the children in their care, delegate tasks to staff and allow them to decide how to achieve them which in turn will give the team members a feeling of empowerment, enabling them to set their own objectives and achieve them. Teamwork within any setting is paramount; within in my own setting I find that communication is key , myself and the manager will meet and discuss the team on a daily basis as each member of staff are at different development stages within the setting. As a deputy manager my ability to manage the team to achieve organisational goals and objectives is analysed by being reflective as a manager as well as being supportive of the individuals, I consider myself to be a positive role model in encouraging the individuals of my team to continue their professional evelopment in a bid to keep them motivated and keep their knowledge up to date. As I myself continually embark on further education this in turn gives my team the incentive to do so themselves. Everyone in my setting is undertaking some form of professional development for example level 2’s are training towards level 3 and level 3’s towards a degree. As stated by June Sullivan (2003) ‘it is important for a manger to develop a trusting relationship with all members of the team. Successful teams will thrive on mutual trust, so it is vital to establish this early on by delegation, open conduct and communication and a free exchange of ideas’ page 11 Developing individuals as well as the team is an important fact to consider as the setting achieves effectiveness with the individuals that are part of a team where the setting is aware of the individual’s different learning styles and personalities. The team is empowered to effectively manage quality in our setting to meet the children’s and their family needs which is ultimately the settings goals and objectives. This is done through giving the team responsibility for certain aspects of the day to day running of the setting for example each member of the team has a specific area within the setting which they own and develop and each team member is a key person for a number of individual children which gives them the opportunity to develop relationships with children and their families children to meet their needs. Teamwork is also essential within in the setting as we have children that have different level of needs these needs range from speech and language, dietary requirements and we also meet with external agencies to help families that need extra support. Finding out what motivates the team is a useful tool to acquire a manger needs to beware of what makes individual staff members tick. The opportunities for on-going training of themselves and staff is also a motivator if the team members see the manager embarking on professional development this in turn will encourage and enthuse the individuals to embark on future professional development for themselves. A good manager and leader willin still their own values within the team and introduce newcomers to these values, however a manager should be open to new and innovated ideas that a new team member could bring into the setting. Everyone should be encouraged to participate in contributing their ideas, values and opinions within staff meetings and informal discussions to ensure the element of management power is removed, which in turn will make parents feel comfortable about their children’s welfare as good lines of communication will open from all angles. The difference between a leader and a manager is defined in the following text ‘managers do things right’ whilst leaders do the right thing’ there is a fine line between the kind of approach that is necessary in an early years environment and in my opinion, leadership is the approach we need to adopt as managers in an early years setting as managers require the co-operation of their team members. Leadership involves getting the best out of people and remembering everyone has something to offer, strong leaders should be in a position of inspiring people, building confidence and supporting colleagues to achieve their full potential. Managers should also be aware that’s individuals have different learning styles; cognitive psychologist Howard Gardner (1985) identified seven styles of learning which apply to adults as well as children, the main ways in which we learn as individuals are visually, kinesthetically and through auditory means. Leadership in an a early years setting requires the manager to have personal qualities such as being kind, warm and friendly, patient, sympathetic and nurturing, knowledgeable, logical and assertive and be prepared to become a mentor who guides the staff. There is clear evidence of the relationship between how staff are managed and how they perform, the deeper the commitment of the staff to their organisations, the better their performance will be, it is essential that a manger leads by example. The manager must be able to build and lead the team and cope with the day to day management issues. The manager must also act as the public face of the nursery (Jameson and Watson, 1988) Team development requires both strong leadership from the manager and commitment from team members; a good team is made up from individuals who are valued, managers need to analyse how they can involve their teams in the process and look and find ways to motivate them, as a manger you need to be open to ideas but should also look at the strengths and weakness off individual team members and what works best for them as each member has different strengths and weakness and as a manger you should work on this with them and get the team involved in helping each other develop by offering support and guidance as it helps to build effective teams. Also a good relationship with your team will ensure that they form good relationships with the children and their parents and are enthusiastic about new challenges, have confidence to make improvements to the practice when needed. The team is developed with in house training, staff meetings, appraisals to name a few examples, however in my opinion emotional intelligence and communication is key to achieving these goals, by focussing on the needs of the team and giving direction which supports and challenges, we will be developing a culture of openness, mutual respect and honesty within the team working towards achieving the goals and objectives of the setting. Teams are encouraged in staff meetings to be reflective and build on their reflections, by being reflective they can observe how they could handle situations more effectively to promote even more effective practice and feel empowered as a team because they are making their own decisions alongside each other as well as individually. Developing teams is key to achieving tasks in the workplace and an essential skill for a manager to possess as a manager I endeavour to ensure I have a clear purpose and display a positive image to engage in mutual trust and respect between my team and myself to achieve the settings goals and objectives. Also a level of commitment is important to a team, it is also essential that there is good communication with in the team in order that it can be effective. The team is aware of their roles and responsibilities and are encouraged to communicate effectively, make decisions, manage change and be reflective in practice and engage in sustained shared thinking within the setting. As a deputy manager my management style is slightly autocratic where I make the decisions myself and I find I take on all the responsibly of trying to do everything myself, I only ask my colleagues to do a task for me when I find I don’t have the time to do it, it has taken me a while to realize that this not good for me or my team and I have decided to change my approach and involve my team more in the decision making and delegating tasks so I hope this will instil a sense of responsibility within the team. While writing this report I did an exercise set out for based on Belbin team roles inventory where you score yourself and see what type of team worker you are, my highest score was in team worker where it describes that a team worker is sociable, rather mild, sensitive, co-operative. My second highest score was shaper where it describes that a shaper can be highly strung, thrives on pressure and challenging and my third was completer finisher where it describes that a completer finisher is orderly, conscientious and anxious. After doing this task I took time to reflect and I am all of the above and more, I do get anxious and can be highly strung and am rather sensitive, these are things I need to work on when I am leading my team. I also found that to be an effective manager in an early years setting it requires a leadership style that is collaborative and to be supportive of colleagues. For this report I had to make an action plan for myself to develop my own management skills and how I would action these I took in to account the Belbin task and I reflected on how I manage my team on a day to day basis and how I could work better with my own manager to improve my skills. (See Appendix A) I hope this will be a positive move and am hoping it will make the working environment a better place for all. Being a leader involves getting the best out of people and seeing what strengths that they possess and supporting them in their development needs. How to cite Management and Leadership, Papers Management and Leadership Free Essays Abstract This research paper examine in detail, the roles and responsibilities of organizational managers and leaders, in creating a healthy organizational culture. The paper will explain key terms in management and leadership; in addition will describe the roles played by the organization managers and leaders in maintaining a healthy organization culture. We will analyze NIKE as an example to illustrate its management and leadership. We will write a custom essay sample on Management and Leadership or any similar topic only for you Order Now Our focus will be on how the functions of management support the creation maintenance of a healthy organization culture and conclude with a recommendation that can be used by organization managers and leaders to create and maintain a healthy organizational culture in (NIKE) Introduction Management is concerned with merging coordinating resources, either in form of money or people, to achieve the organizational goals. Leadership is one of the components of the directing function of a manager.   A manager does not need to be just a leader. He/she needs some formal authority to be effective. This ability to marshal resources; lay out plans, program work, and effectively aggregate human effort is the key to accomplishment of this purpose. (Hamel and Bill August 12 2007). NIKE is widely known for its dominance in the world market in sports and fitness. Their achievements are due to its good management and leadership. Its history dates back to its parent establishment in Germany in early 60s.   By this time, it had taken command in the US athletic footwear industry. Due to competition from other companies availing the same product in the market, NIKE took a quick initiative of venturing into a new athletic footwear brand with the highest quality among those in the market thus maintaining its lead in the world market. The economic integration on globalization of the world economy became a huge boost to the company’s economic performance in early 70s as it enabled access to international markets to subside the domestic one. The company had therefore to restructure its planning so as to meet the effect of world/global market with its rapid growth. The organizing process along with planning played major roles towards achieving the increased products market demand regardless of any competition in the market. ( The distinctive difference between managers and leaders is the way they motivates those who work or follow them (Ferdinand, 2007) Managers in another perspective think incrementally, while leaders think radically. Managers can be said to do things right while leaders does what is right thing. By doing things right a manager follows the policies of the company while leaders act by their ignition to do things right.   This might however, be advantageous to the company in some instances.   The combined attributes of management and leadership are important in any organization. There are emerging trend to build more effective managers. Through upgrading their leadership attributes, i.e. inner or personal qualities that constitute effective leadership. (Ulrich, Zenger and Smallwood, 2002).NIKE management concerns itself with how the company and its employees are perceived by the market. NIKE management is also vocal about the changes it has made in improving the welfare of these employees whom it views to be the central group to achieve the organizations objectives. NIKE managers likes to get things done and often within constraints of time and money.   The subordinates are expected to perform as per the work focus. Managers have a weakness in conflict solutions and they seek to avoid these conflicts where possible. Leaders on the other hand have followers other than subordinates.   The authoritarian control of managers is not part of the leadership of NIKE they work through allowing a fully participation of the workers in decision making. Leaders are always good to people and possess a strong Charisma which people find easier to follow/emulate. The style of leadership is transformational and promises benefits such that; their followers will not just receive extensive reward but will somehow become better people. The focus toward people in NIKE is very effective and tends to create loyalty. In a contrasting feature, managers risk-averse where leaders risk seek. When pursuing their vision they consider it challenging to encounter problems and may sometimes avoid them on the way. Leaders see routes that others avoid. The greatest secret in the success of NIKE lays in their ability to convert challenges into opportunities a good requirement for managers. The above summaries are listed in appendix I. In their effort to create a good organizational culture, NIKE managers and leaders have formulated standardized codes of conduct that streamlines the operations of the company. Leadership and management are all important functions in NIKE but with different purposes. The two seek to obtain different outcomes.   Leadership roles include, decision making, communication, evaluation facilitation, risk taking, monitoring, energizing coaching, counseling, teaching, critical thinking, advocating, visionary, forecasting, influencing, diplomacy and role model. NIKE integrated leader-manager focuses on longer visionary and futuristic functions that affect future outcomes. Their focus is always towards the large organization. The integrated leader-manager emphasizes on vision, virtues and motivation. Their sensitive to workers is demonstrated on the way they strive to improve the conditions of working in the various countries that they operate. As (Marquis, and Huston, 2005) writes, leader-managers should think in terms of change and renewal. The traditional managers accepted structures and process of the organization, but the leader manager examines the ever-changing reality of the world and seeks to revise the organization to keep pace. By doing this NIKE has greatly achieved a deal in creating and maintaining a health working environment culture. The above goals are summarized in appendix II below The management functions include; planning, organizing, delegating, problem solving, evaluating, and enforcing policies.   The management function is concerned with the day-to-day activity of the organization and with maintaining the status quo and therefore stability for the organization. The roles of leaderships discussed above are directed towards pushing the organization forward into the future and thereby changing the status quo. (Ulrich, Zenger and Smallwood, 2002) The above functions of planning, organizing, delegating, and problem solving, evaluating and enforcing policies have assisted the management in making effective decisions meant to improve the working standards in NIKE. Each of the management functions has a planning a controlling phase. The planning strategy in NIKE does not delineate organization barriers to productivity and money. The workers are motivated not only by economic rewards and attention but also there is emphasis on job satisfaction. The planning and controlling base of the management functions has seen the emergence of good working relations and productivity within NIKE. These functions emphasize o the need of the worker recognition. References Ferdinand, P.D.2007. Management:   Responsibilities and Practices, Transactional Publishers Hamel, Gary Bill green. The future of management, Harvard Business School, Colleen, Kaftans, Ed. Marquis, B.L.and Huston, C.J.2005. Roles and Management Functions in Nursing: Theory and applications, Williams Wilkins publishers ‘’ Ulrich, D., Zenger, J., and Smallwood, N.M.2002. Results-Based Leadership, Bennis Publishers    How to cite Management and Leadership, Essay examples

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