Thursday, March 19, 2020
Diversity in the Workplace Essays
Diversity in the Workplace Essays Diversity in the Workplace Essay Diversity in the Workplace Essay Age, physical and mental ability; chapter thirteen and fourteen Union Institute University 1 . What possible effects could a large proportion of people aged 45 to 64 and a smaller proportion of people under 45 in the current workforce have on organizations ability to attract and retain a competent and motivated workforce? How might discrimination against younger and older workers combined affect employers, given the shifting age distribution? In the corporate world, some managers and supervisors do not want to hire older workers and others do not want to hire younger errors, complex, expensive, dysfunctional recruitment and selection could result. The shortage of younger workers and the aging of the population make employment fairness toward both groups of workers critical to employers ability to attract and retain an adequate supply of workers in the future. Moreover, the importance of fairness to young workers, their future careers, and future influence on diversity issues should provide organizations with sufficient motivation to treat younger workers fairly, even in the absence of legislation requiring it. However, this coordination is likely to affect the employer since the worlds population is aging, and older people are working longer than ever before. Because these older workers often have more corporate memory and experience than others, organizations that fail to recognize the value in providing opportunities for older workers will be disadvantaged. In addition, there are fewer younger workers entering the workforce than in the past, and younger workers are more diverse in race and ethnicity than ever before (Bell, 2012, pig 401). 2. In addition to the suggestions provided in this heaper, what other things might organizations do to counter employees age-based stereotypes. These existing stereotypes and misconception both older and younger workers has lead to discrimination and unfair treatment at work and can reduce organizational function. In order to avoid this organization should identify the potential problems within the organization. This will enable you to know what you want in terms of the human resources and go for it. The organization should offer trainings to enable the employees to get awareness on discriminatory practices. In hose, training the employees should be given the open forum to participate actively. They should also be given the responsibility to speak up when they encounter any form of discrimination practices and harassment. When it comes to promotion, the employer should do it in terms of a reward to a performance tenure, whereby they are rewarded in form of promotions because of their value to the organization but not age. However, the importance of fairness to young workers, their future careers, and future influence on diversity issues should provide organizations with sufficient titivation to treat younger workers fairly, even in the absence of legislation requiring it. With or without widespread federal protections against discrimination, young workers should be assured of fair organizational treatment, freedom from harassment and discrimination, and recourse if it does occur ( Bell, 2012, pig 429). 3. How might the lack of broad federal legislation prohibiting age discrimination against younger workers contribute to their experiences of discrimination and harassment at work? The federal laws are designed to reduce, and ultimately eliminate, both younger and older age discrimination. Young people have a right to be treated fairly and have the same opportunities as everyone else. Many employers without any laid legal channels to protect this vulnerable group, take advantage of this since there will be no any lawsuits against them. There are cases of indirect discrimination occurs when a requirement, condition, or practice used for all parties negatively affects people of a particular age or age group. For example, it is unlawful to require strength and agility tests that disadvantage older applicants or employees when the levels of strength or agility are not prerequisites to successful Job performance. Bell, 2012, pig 429). Most employers preferred to work with older people aged 45 to 64 this is because young population will is always considered unsuitable to occupy the executive position within the corporate industry. Since the executive positions are left for the old aged generation because of their competency in handling the corporate affairs. They are considered to have corporate memory and experience than others therefore competent for the Jobs. Most employers take advantage to the age range of 14 to 17, who are always vulnerable to sexual harassment than the older workers. They take advantage of their lack of proper professional conduct to assault them. 4. Many Midriffs programming chief at the Weather Channel reportedly stood by a diversity poster as he made disparaging age- and gender-related comments about the appearance of women anchors. What signal does this send about the genuineness of the Weather Channels commitment to diversity? The weather Channel is not committed to diversity this because they treat the female workers with a lot of prejudice and discrimination at work. The negative statement of appearance of female anchors shows they perceive the women workers with contempt. They are only attracted to the attractiveness of these women rather than their Journalistic education, skills, and experience. They choose people with certain looks to read the news and believe attractiveness is based on age. This is the main reason for the preferences of hiring younger and male workers. This has severely disadvantage older women, many of whom may desire. (Flint, 2005). Chapter 14 Questions 1 . What are reasonable accommodations? How does a company determine what is reasonable and what is not? Reasonable accommodation is when a change can be implemented to enable a qualified person with a disability to perform essential Job unctions without unduly burdening the employer. A company is capable of determining what is reasonable or not reasonable when the process of providing an accommodation require significant difficulty or expense relative to the employers size, financial resources, and/or the nature and structure of the organization, then the employer would face undue hardship and would not have to provide the accommodation. (Bell, 2012, pig 438). A reasonable accommodation is reasonable when it results in benefits to other employees and the organization in many ways. Accommodation that is economical to the organization. Therefore, the managers can enable people with disabilities to work without thought or fanfare. For instance allowing an employee who is a student to tailor his or her work schedule around classes is a reasonable accommodation. They can also allow the employees to take time off to study for exams and make up the time on weekends or after the school, term is an accommodation. These employees would then come back to bring new skills to the organization. 2. What similarities exist between perceptions about the competence and performance of workers with disabilities and older workers? The errors with disabilities and aging population are perceived as unproductive in the labor markets. The employers always perceived disability as am obstacle to development in an organization since it impedes performance. They always take a prospective employee with a disability as unable to perform adequately because of the disability. Another similarity is that aging and disability are both acquired. Because some disabilities are acquired, some employers and employees discriminate and fail to accommodate them as before. An aging population, a greater propensity to acquire a disability with age, and working longer make the employment experiences of people with disabilities an increasingly important issue for organizations. (Bell, 2012, pig 432). 3. Accommodation for Ms. Barrios for inability to respond rapidly to an emergency evacuation is very simple, the management needs to move her office to a room closer to the emergency exit or incase of a storey building some meters away from the elevator. They should also improve on their emergency alarming system promptly any emergency cases. The benefit of this is that the organization will be able to respond promptly to emergency cases hence safeguarding the lives of its employees in any case of emergency. The case was not resolved before Ms. Barrios termination since the DuPont has a long history of hiring people with disabilities. Another reason is that DuPont has also conducted surveys to assess their performance, attendance, and safety records. In Equal to the Task II, DuPont reported that workers with disabilities had above-average or average ratings of performance, attendance, and safety in 90%, 86%, or 97% of cases, respectively (Bell, 2012, pig 449). . How can recommendations for employment equity for people with disabilities be helpful in ensuring equity for other non-dominant group members? Once overall training has been conducted, organizations should ensure all human resources functions are free of barriers. The first requirement is a valid, written Job description prior to advertising and interviewing for p osition, which makes clear what the essential and marginal functions are. Such a Job description can help decision makers avoid discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities or the non- dominant group members (Vance, 1976 pig 445). The organization should also use Job description and structured interviews when selecting applicants who are capable of successful Job performance, with or without seasonable accommodations. This means even the non-dominant group shall be considered on equal grounds. They should also be given equal and same opportunities for training and development as those without disabilities. Finally, Managers and coworkers with hiring responsibility should be trained about stereotypes and misconceptions of people with disabilities. The fact should be made clear that the performance and rates of absence from work of those with disabilities are comparable and sometimes better than those of people without disabilities are (Bell, 2012, pig 456). Execute Action Chapter 14 Conduct library or Internet research on the positive effects of work on peoples health and well-being. Discuss the applicability of employment to the health and well being of people with disabilities. According to the research people in work tend to enjoy a happier and healthier life than those who are out of work. Quite a number of people with physical disability like frequent muscle and Joint pain who have been advised by their health officers and medics to return to work tend to enjoy better health since there is a reduction in the level of pain, and an adequate improvement in the function and quality of life than those who stay off work. There are people who are sick and disabled that have remained in or return to work as soon as possible because its therapeutic, working helps to promote recovery and rehabilitation, and reduces the risk of long-term incapacity. The medics have also found out that being out of work for long periods was generally bad for your health, resulting in: more consultations, a continuous use of drugs and medical consultations and at times higher hospital admission rates than for the average population. Moreover well- being on the other hand has a positive impact to the production of a given company nice it has been confirmed that theres a strong business case for having a healthy workforce. Healthy staff is more productive and thats good for the bottom line of an organization.
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